Primary school admissions

Primary schools in the city serve children between the ages of 4 and 11 years. In most areas one school will provide for all primary age pupils; in one area there is a separate school for Infants (aged 4-7) and Juniors (aged 8-11). Some schools also have Nursery Classes, which admit children in the academic year before they are due to start school.

Coventry children may be admitted to primary schools at the beginning of the school year after their fourth birthday provided they have reached the age of four by the 31 August. However, children must start school at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday.

Deciding which school you would prefer is one of the most important decisions parents and children have to make. We want to make sure that the first step is as smooth as possible for your family. It is important to have all of the information available to enable you, with your child, to take a considered view of the school you would prefer them to attend.

Our admissions policy

We aim to make sure that you have the best chance of securing a place at the school you want. Many schools, however, receive more applications than there are places available.

We have developed a set of admissions policies, which help determine how the available places are allocated. These arrangements must be fair and unbiased and follow the requirements of the Government's School Admissions Code. The council sets the rules for admission for community and voluntary controlled schools, while the governors of Academy and voluntary aided schools set specific rules for their schools.