How to use Summary Function in R?

In this article, we will discuss the Summary Function in R Programming Language.

Summary function is used to return the following from the given data.



Where, data can be a vector, dataframe, etc.

Example 1: Using summary() with Vector

Here we are going to create a vector with some elements and get the summary statistics.


# create a vector with 10 elements data = c (1: 5, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51) print (data) # get summary print ( summary (data))


Example 2: Using summary() with DataFrame

Here we are going to get the summary of all columns in the dataframe.


# create a dataframe with 3 columns data = data.frame (col1= c (1: 5, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51), col2= c (100: 104, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51), col3= c (1: 5, 34, 56, 78, 76, 79)) print (data) # get summary print ( summary (data))


Example 3: Using summary() with Specific DataFrame Columns

Here we can get summary of particular columns of the dataframe.




# create a dataframe with 3 columns data = data.frame (col1= c (1: 5, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51), col2= c (100: 104, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51), col3= c (1: 5, 34, 56, 78, 76, 79)) print (data) # get summary of column 1 and column 3 print ( summary (data[ c ( 'col1' , 'col3' )]))


Example 4: Using summary() with Regression Model

Here we can also calculate summary() for linear regression model. We can create an linear regression model for dataframe columns using lm() function.


summary(lm(column1~column2, dataframe))


# create a dataframe with 3 columns data = data.frame (col1= c (1: 5, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51), col2= c (100: 104, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51)) # create the model for regression with 2 columns reg = lm (col1~col2, data) # get summary of the model summary (reg)


Example 5: Using summary() with ANOVA Model

Here aov() is used to create anova model which stands for analysis of variance.


summary(aov(col1 ~ col2, data))



# create a dataframe with 3 columns data = data.frame (col1= c (1: 5, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51), col2= c (100: 104, 56, 43, 56, 78, 51)) # create the model for anova model with 2 columns reg = aov (col1 ~ col2, data) # get summary of the model summary (reg)


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