An uncontested divorce is where you and the person you want to divorce agree to end your marriage and you agree about what will happen to your finances and property after the divorce. This is usually done by you filing the papers and then the person you want to divorce returns the Affidavit of Defendant to you.
But an uncontested divorce can turn into a contested divorce if the person you want to divorce does not want to get a divorce or does not agree with what will happen to your finances and property after the divorce and files a Notice of Appearance.
Use our partner program, LawHelp Interactive to fill for an uncontested divorce in New York.
You can use this program if:
You will need the following information with you when you use this program:
Go to LawHelp Interactive where you will be asked a series of questions.
When you finish this program, you will be able to print Instructions and the papers you need for your uncontested divorce. Print on only one side of the paper.
You must file your papers with the County Clerk. The County Clerk's information will be printed in the instructions.